RZVA produces switchgears of general industrial purpose (switchgears series KU10S, KU10C, KU-35, KU-35C), special purpose switchgears for own needs of thermal and nuclear power plants (KU6S) and prefabricated chambers of one-side service series KZO-10.
Cabinets are manufactured in seismic and non-seismic performance. With the location of the withdrawable element in the middle or bottom of the cabinet. With two-way and one-way service.
Комплектні розподільні пристрої (КРП) внутрішньої установки з вакуумними вимикачами серії КУ35
More DetailsSwitchgears of series KU 20C is designed to work in networks of three-phase alternating current, voltage 20 kV, rated currents of 630 a...3150A, breaking current 20; 25; 31.5 kA in insulated or partially grounded neutral systems.
More DetailsKU-10C and KU10C universal series of complete switchgears of the internal installation at a nominal voltage of 6-10 kV. Switchgears are issued with the possibility of one-way and two-way service. KZO-10 cameras are prefabricated one-sided service class voltage 6; 10 kV and frequencies 50 Hz, at rated currents 630 ... 1250 A, with a current of 20 kA.
More DetailsКРП внутрішньої установки серії КУ6C з вакуумними вимикачами випускаються в двох типовиконаннях: для загальнопромислового застосування; для об'єктів атомної енергетики в несейсмостійкому і сейсмостійкому...
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