KRPZ-35 indoor switchgear is a metal enclosure being assembled of separate transportable blocks on the substation area. The blocks of KRPZ-35 are prefabricated with modern 35 kV complete switchgear cubicles of series KU-35, elements of air inlets and outlets as well as elements of intersection connections of main and auxiliary circuits. KU-35 cubicles have one or two relay compartments, and they are equipped with modern microprocessing devices of relay protection, automation and control.
As switching apparatus in KU-35 cubicles reliable vacuum circuit-breakers series BP35 are used. Circuit-breaker vacuum interrupters are cast in the polymeric insulating poles, and multifunction electromagnetic drive based on the magnetic latch principle and the electronic control block are fixed on the apparatus frame.
For limit space applications RZVA has developed small-sized gas-insulated cubiclesseries KU35S with BP35S vacuum circuit-breaker.