Vacuum circuit-breakers of series VGGm-10 with spring drive are designed for switching operations in normal and emergency modes in three-phase alternating current networks of 10 kV and 50 Hz. These circuit-breakers are designed for replacement of life-expired circuit-breakers of series MGG-10 as well as for installation into new switchgears.
- Rated voltage (kV): 10
- Rated current (A): 4000, 5000
- Rated breaking capacity (kA): 63
- Peak withstand current (kA): 173
- Electrical lifetime: 10000 CO cycles at rated current and 5 CO cycles at rated breaking current
The circuit-breaker is a switching apparatus with three poles mounted on the frame and connected via insulating tie-rods and spring mechanisms with the shaft installed on the frame. Inside the frame there are also two opening springs, two oil buffers and spring drive connected with the shaft via the tie-rod. Insulating partitions are installed among poles. Conducting buses are connected to terminals. The shaft has a mounted plate indicating the circuit-breaker position: OPEN, CLOSE.