Vacuum circuit-breakers series BP are ideally suitable for switching and protection operations in MV grids. Circuit-breakers series BP are used for switching loads of any types at rated currents of up to 3150 A and breaking currents of up to 40 kA. Circuit-breakers series BP are designed on the basis of the unified design concept, namely: using cast epoxy compound poles; using the versatile electromagnetic drive, which acts as a magnetic latch and is controlled by an electronic block housed in the circuit-breaker frame.
BP6 circuit-breakers can be used for replacement of circuit-breakers in complete switchgears type KG-6.
All circuit-breakers series BP type BP6 consist of three poles with vacuum interrupters filled with cast epoxy compound and mounted on the circuit-breaker frame. The circuit-breaker electromagnetic drive fixing circuit-breakers in C and O positions on magnetic latches is housed in the circuit-breaker frame. The BP6 shaft is connected via insulating rods with vacuum interrupters and when turning, it controls circuit-breaker position contacts for external auxiliary circuits. Plate-type pressing spring mechanisms are installed in insulating rod bushings. The local manual emergency switching-off of the circuit-breaker is actuated by a separate switching-off lever, which is common for all types of BP circuit-breakers.